About Me

Me in a fedora
For the past few years, coding has always been sort of a passion of mine. Mainly because as a kid, it's been the ultimate dream to make the machines bend to my will. At first, I wanted to get hands on with the building of the machines, but it never quite worked out the way I wanted. I would follow the instructions to the letter, and things would still come out lopsided. What a bummer. Then one day my undergrad advisor suggested going down the path of Computer Science and I was introduced to the concept of coding. Needless to say I took to it like a ring to a bell. From that point forward, I loved the concept of breaking down and solving logical problems in a console, but I wanted more. School didn't really give me that real world experience that companies desire, which, skip a few steps, led me to being in this program today. I'm hoping I will learn the ins and outs of what popular companies use today.
As school was winding to the final few semesters, I had discovered a plethora of different tutorial videos online. Somehow, my interest was then directed at web development. I didn't really grasp it all at first, but while working on a concept site for a friend, it all suddenly started to make sense. Now I feel I have the ability to make anything I want and can find any answer out on the Internet if need be.
Who knows why I was so drawn to coding in the first place. Maybe I just like the concept of solving problems by digging into the trenches, and the instant gratification knowing right off the bat if code works or not.